
Fillmore Woman Named to National Board


* Helen Caldwell of Fillmore has been appointed to the board of directors of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Assn., a children’s rights group.

Caldwell was chosen after serving 10 years on the board of directors at Casa Pacifica, an affiliated Camarillo-based home for abused and neglected children.

“Helen’s vision, energy and caring have inspired the Casa Pacifica board members,” said Ventura County Supervisor Susan Lacey. “Her appointment to the board of National CASA will be beneficial to all CASA programs.”


The Seattle-based CASA program, founded in 1977, has grown to 641 affiliates in all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C., and the Virgin Islands. The National CASA association was established in 1982 to promote the CASA concept and support volunteer recruitment, fund-raising and public awareness.
