
Downtown Complex


Normally NIMBYism irritates me, bringing to mind typically cranky, selfish people who care little about progress. But in the case of Michael Wester (“Small Voice, Big Plan,” July 30) and his idea to move a planned Universal City entertainment complex to downtown Los Angeles, his form of benevolent NIMBYism is a plan that is nothing short of brilliant.

As a native Angeleno who strongly believes in an active, accessible and enjoyable city center, I feel very sorry when I see tourists roam around downtown with very little to see or do.

Wester’s plan for the Convention Center area would solve that, not to mention cure the “downtownphobia” evident in many Southern Californians. Wester himself said regarding his plan: “Someone much more important than Michael Wester has to be able to say, ‘Yes, this is worth looking into.’ ” So, Mayor Riordan and council member Walters, how ‘bout it?



Los Angeles
