
Outdoor Ads Are Overkill


Re “County May Sell Advertising Space at Parks, Beaches,” Aug. 19:

I recently attended an event at the Anaheim Pond, where all night long I was subjected to one commercial after another. The announcer never stopped howling for an endless stream of advertisers, which I was forced to listen to. This was worse than television, where at least I can mute the repetitive garbage that fills the screen.

Now comes the brilliant idea of surrounding the places of leisure and relaxation, in the great outdoors, with the same [junk] that fills our lives from morning until bedtime on radio and television.

But why stop there? How about the classrooms, the lampposts in front of our homes and even the street curbs? They are all just lying there empty, waiting for something to be painted on to bring the county more money . . . and, in the process, destroy our lives.


Have we gone mad?

We really need to do away with all billboards everywhere--to give us some respite from the never-ending assault on our minds by the merchants of America, who just won’t leave us alone!


