
Sleeping In While School’s Out


If your travel plans to Scotland overlap with a school vacation period, keep in mind that there are plenty of extra beds available in student residences at economical rates.

Basic rooms are available for $23.25 or $26.35 with breakfast at the new Ardmore and Roseneath Halls at Customhouse Quay, Greenock--a 20-minute drive from the center of Glasgow and 14 miles from the Glasgow International Airport.

For further information on this residence, contact James Watt College Enterprises, Waterfront Campus, Customhouse Way, Greenock, Scotland PA15 1EN; telephone 011-44-1475-730-780, fax: 011-44-1475-730-877.


You can get general information about residence facilities in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews and Stirling from the Scottish Universities Accommodation Consortium, P.O. Box 808, Edinburgh EH14 4AS; tel. 011- 44-131-449-4034, fax 011-44-131- 451-3199.


Paris-bound budget travelers, including families, can find economical rooms at the centrally located hostel FIAP Jean Monnet. Room rates include private washrooms (with showers), breakfasts and taxes. A room with two single beds is about $45; three beds, $60; and four beds, $75. Children under 2 stay free. Contact FIAP Jean Monnet, 30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris.


Two new travel maps for London and Paris subways designed for budget-conscious, independent explorers have just been published by Michael Brein Inc.

These maps are extra helpful for those on a do-it-yourself sightseeing tour because they include small maps showing the walking directions from stations to key tourist sites. “London by the Underground” gives directions to 60 key points of interest; “Paris by the Metro” has directions to 55 sites. The maps cost $3.95 plus shipping. You can order by credit card by calling (800) 875-8083 (mention identification No. 0026).
