
Shut-Off Valves and Pilot Lights


I’d like to respond to your editorial Aug. 25 regarding automatic shut-off valves for gas meters (“Objections to Gas Shut-Off Valves are Inconsequential”). You failed to check all the facts.

As a customer service representative for the gas company, I can tell you what can happen with flip-lever shut-off valves. Many calls are placed to our phone centers by customers who request that we send our people out to light pilot lights. Many of our customers don’t know how, or don’t want to do it on their own. That is where the gas company has come in. Our expertise and knowledge satisfy many customers.

Our phones rang consistently after the Northridge quake for almost a month. People had to wait. The more valves that go off, the more we’ll be called upon. The more we’re called upon, the longer the wait.


I’ve heard commentators tell the public that if they notice an odor after a quake, to shut off the meter. But there is no sense in doing this in nine out of 10 cases. That’s what shut-off valves at the appliance itself are for. You failed to mention this.

Remember that a consumer can easily flip a lever but might not want to strike a match to relight all appliances.


