
Some New Offerings Available at College


Two new programs, a course and a lecture series will be available to students at Mission College this fall.

The new course, “Drinking Driver Programs Personnel Training,” will teach people to work as aides in programs to rehabilitate drunk drivers. It is part of the college’s addiction studies program, said James Crossen, the program’s director.

The two-unit course will meet from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, beginning next week and running through Oct. 29. For information on registration, call (818) 509-3906.


A new lecture series, “Minorities in American Culture: Personal Success Stories,” will be offered free to students and nonstudents, said Larry Andre, a philosophy professor at Mission College and one of the organizers of the series.

“The lecture series is designed to increase community access to the wealth of information the college provides and to personalize the process of assimilation and acculturation into the American mainstream,” said Carlos Nava, dean of students at Mission College.

Featured lecturers will include Los Angeles Police Chief Willie L. Williams.

For more information, call the Mission College Student Services Office, (818) 362-7766.
