
Profile of Firefighter


I want to say thanks for the nice feature Ed Bond did on Glendale Fire Capt. Corey Creasey (“Firefighter Blazes Trails on the Computer,” Aug. 15). Folks like Creasey are the innovators and leaders of America’s fire service, which works until the job gets done.

I access your newspaper via the Internet. When I was a youngster growing up in Bakersfield, I had a Los Angeles Times neighborhood paper route. It was a real thrill, particularly when my sales volume increased to the point that I earned a red wagon emblazoned with “L.A. Times” on the sides and back.

A lot of folks today probably don’t realize that your paper was delivered by young people walking their neighborhoods with a wagon filled with newspapers.


During the following years, I progressed from newspapers to fire engines and enjoyed a rewarding fire service career, including almost 12 years as a fire chief. Creasey’s comments and the writer’s descriptions brought back other pleasant memories.

It’s a pleasure being able to access your features via the Internet. Please pass on my compliments to your editors and staff who make this valuable service possible.

If you ever decide to market The Times here, give me a holler. I’ll find a red wagon and help you get things rolling.


Springfield, Mo.
