
Tupac Shakur


Re “Rapper Tupac Shakur, 25, Dies 6 Days After Ambush,” Sept 14:

It took seven people to write this short article about a rapper’s violent and horrible death. “Brilliant but tortured”? What adjectives can now be used to describe Mozart or Beethoven or any other great musician/composer of the past? Will this rapper’s melodies linger in our collective memories for 300 years, be listened to with delight by music lovers worldwide? I would be surprised if that happens.

“Notorious and controversial, celebrating violence and drugs” would be a better description. He was responsible for the death of an innocent 6-year-old child, accused of shooting two policemen and convicted of sexual abuse. Please, let’s stop celebrating these kinds of public figures. Was he a “brilliant” role model for children to look up to? I don’t think so.


Santa Barbara

* Tupac Shakur’s music was interwoven with my life. Before we say he was taken too soon from us, we must remember all he gave us through his talents. His music expressed his pride in his brotherhood, his appreciation for his mother and a candid view of life and society.


May his passing help us develop sensitivities and caring so that the hurt and pain will serve as a catalyst for positive change for a better world.

We love you, Tupac.


Culver City
