
Tom Fuentes’ Shaky Scenario

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* What a laugh to read Republican Party Chairman Thomas Fuentes’ rosy scenario about Bob Dole (Letters, Sept. 22). What with the Republican Party standing on the wrong side of public opinion in almost every issue, only a miracle can save Dole.

When it comes right down to it, voters should vote Republican if they believe in the following:

* That Bob Dole’s attempt [at] bribery (a 15% tax cut) of the voters is a good idea--despite the fact that the United States continues to go in debt at the rate of over $100 billion each year.


* That the government should be used to force every woman who gets pregnant to have that baby.

* That the struggling public school system be further weakened by instituting a voucher system. (And with California almost dead last in the 50 states in the amount of money spent per student, yet!)

* That the tobacco industry should not be hampered in distributing its deadly product.

* That private ownership of military assault rifles has a place in a civilized society.

The Republican Party leaders who have positioned themselves on the wrong side of these issues have indicated almost a death wish for the Republican Party. One can only say, “Dream on, Tom, dream on.”



Huntington Beach

* Perhaps there’s nothing more admirable than a captain willing to go down with his ship. But even the captain of the Titanic acknowledged that his ship was sinking. Not so for Tom Fuentes, commandant of the Orange County Republican constabulary. Expectations to the contrary notwithstanding, my own included, 1996 is turning out to be a good year for President Clinton. The press and pollsters didn’t create a healthy economy, stimulate job growth, lower the deficit, or reduce crime--all factors favorable to Clinton’s reelection. Neither were they responsible for selecting Bob Dole as leader of the Republican charge on the White House.

Fuentes can lambaste the press, liberals, pollsters and O.C. Democrats. Should Clinton be reelected, it will be with the assistance of Republicans in places like Orange County. Fuentes likely will blame the voters and institute yet another purge of unfaithful influentials.

Please be sure to reprint “‘Dole Will Win Despite Press, Polls” on Sunday, Nov. 10. Let readers judge the accuracy of what Fuentes believes and doesn’t.




* Will Mr. Fuentes promise to resign if Sen. Dole is not elected? Will Mr. Fuentes “put his career where his mouth is”? Will he “walk the talk”?


Mission Viejo

* With most of the recent positive Clinton articles and negative Dole articles--The Times’ Clinton picture, 9/25/96, “Dole Again Touts Plan to Cut Income Tax 15%,” 9/25/96, and “Despite Road Glitches, Kemp Keeps Grinding It Out on Campaign Trail,” 9/25/96--I certainly hope the Los Angeles Times is filing campaign reports showing these positive contributions to the Clinton campaign.

The blatant Clinton bias of the Times is again apparent in 1996.


Executive Director

Republican Party

of Orange County
