
Undocumented Should Stay Home

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Re your editorial, “Work, Not Welfare, Lures Latinas,” Sept. 15:

I see where a new UCI study on undocumented (I believe you mean illegal) immigrants says they don’t come here for welfare. This is great news because Americans don’t want them to get welfare either! A win-win situation.

They don’t want it, we don’t want to give it, they don’t get it and everyone should be happy but the social worker unions. However, these illegal Latinas say they want to work. Sorry, they are not allowed to work here. They need to go home. They say they want to stay, and you say this means they won’t [leave voluntarily.]

Thanks for the information. Washington needs to heed this information and start forced deportations now.


If this is the “harsh” treatment you cry out against, perhaps the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and [the Chicano student group] MEChA and the ACLU should stop spewing forth hate at Americans, go down to Mexico, and let the potential illegal Latinas know they are not welcome here, there is no welfare here, they are not allowed to work here and the easiest way to avoid harsh treatment is just to stay home!


Costa Mesa
