
‘Date Rape’ Drug Overdose Kills Girl

<i> From Reuters</i>

A 15-year-old Texas girl was killed by an overdose of the “date rape” drug Rohypnol given to her and a friend by five men who raped the girls at a downtown hotel, police said Thursday.

Thelma Rascon and the friend, who was hospitalized but survived, were given the powerful sedative last month at a party. The odorless and tasteless drug, which causes memory loss and unconsciousness, is increasingly being used in sexual attacks and is most commonly slipped into drinks.

Police said Rascon and her friend were given the drug and took it orally, but did not know what it was. “The girls thought it was just something to get them high,” said Detective Millie Hinojos.


Rascon was found dead the morning after the attack. Police said Thursday that a toxicology report found the drug.

Five men have been charged with sexual assault and were jailed while awaiting trial, Hinojos said.

It was the second such death in Texas in recent weeks.
