
Council Race


Re “5th District Council Race Heats Up,” Sept. 14.

You were kind enough to do a story about the announcement of my candidacy for the Los Angeles City Council seat in the 5th District. I would like to clear up a few points that may have given the wrong impression.

I personally did not bring, nor did I have anything to do with the 192 signatures from the Melrose / Fairfax merchants and property owners. That petition was gathered by a group of very dissatisfied Melrose / Fairfax leaders who had tried to present the petition critical of [incumbent City Councilman Mike] Feuer’s performance in office to the full City Council for two days, but were unable to do so due to the council’s agenda timetable. They knew that I was going to announce my candidacy so they asked if they could present their petition then. I was all for it because their problems graphically illustrate the mismanagement of the 5th District.

I am an independent consultant and periodically provide services to various consulting firms, including Kosmont and Associates on a project by project basis. Kosmont and Associates did not seek the Melrose / Fairfax BID consulting contract as stated, and was only listed by one of the consultants as a possible supplier of technical analysis on a minimal subcontractural basis. These are services I do not provide. I was not a part of that project and I am not working on any BID in the 5th District.


Mayor [Richard] Riordan has not asked me for my resignation from the Productivity Commission, although I of course have resigned due to my candidacy. I’m sure Riordan has far grander things occupying his mind, especially since no promises to run or not run were made.


Sherman Oaks
