
Border Control


* To read Frank del Olmo’s views on illegal immigration (Commentary, Sept. 29), America should just run up a white flag and allow millions of people from around the world to come here, displacing millions of American workers and heaping additional burdens on our taxpayers.

Del Olmo would have us believe that America should not enforce its borders by arguing that America cannot enforce its borders. But if we cannot control who enters the United States, such as illegal aliens, we cannot control what enters, such as illegal drugs.

He also claims that immigration controls, such as the landmark illegal immigration reform law just enacted, are only the latest example of congressional reaction to “spasms” of public opinion.


That contradicts every poll conducted during the past 20 years on immigration. If anything, Americans have been experiencing one continuous “spasm” of outrage because until now, Congress has tended to ignore pleas for stiff border controls that Americans have supported for years.


House Subcommittee

on Immigration
