
Stamp of Approval: The U.S. Postal Service...


Stamp of Approval: The U.S. Postal Service has long issued Christmas stamps, but not a Hanukkah stamp. Until now. . . . Today, the Postal Service will dedicate a Hanukkah stamp at the Kadima Academy in Woodland Hills. The students had lobbied the Postal Service for the stamp, sending more than 300 letters to the agency, along with their own designs.

Veterans Memorial: They still have $5,000 to go, but the Veterans Memorial Committee has an impressive record so far: Already, $78,000 has been raised to erect the Glendale-Montrose-Crescenta Valley Veterans Memorial. So says Raul Mena, head of the group raising money for the $166,000 memorial (the Glendale City Council has pledged the other half). . . . Mena is optimistic the memorial will be ready for the planned May 30 unveiling. “We look forward to seeing you all at the dedication ceremony.”

NASA Visit: It wasn’t quite a giant leap for mankind, but it was a nice visit. . . . NASA Administrator Dan Goldin and astronaut Robert Cabana visited the Rockwell plant in Canoga Park on Tuesday (B3). Among those to greet them was 10-year-old Mallory Simonoff, above.


Waiting Game: Michael Milken, former junk-bond financier, convicted felon and Encino resident, agreed to another six-month extension of his probation Tuesday while an SEC investigation continues into whether Milken violated his lifetime ban from the securities industry (D2). . . . At issue: the time Milken was hired as a business consultant to corporate chieftains after he left prison.
