
Prop. AA for Campus Renovation

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Re “Weak Case for Proposition AA,” editorial, Oct. 22:

Prop. AA will provide critically necessary financing to refurbish the nine Los Angeles Community College District campuses. Years of underfunding have led to dilapidated campuses and unsafe conditions, and deteriorated or nonexistent recreational facilities for the communities that rely on the campuses for their recreational needs.

The LACCD provides the best and often the only opportunity for many to receive an education. Three-quarters of our students are ethnic minorities and half report annual family incomes below the poverty level. These students should not be relegated to a second-class education, denied safe, well-lighted campuses or recreational facilities that are adequate to meet the needs of the whole student.

The district has almost $1 billion in capital needs that the assessment will begin to fill. If Prop. AA is not implemented, there are no available funds for infrastructure improvements other than cutting direct educational programs. The district provided a prioritized, item-by-item listing of each project that would be funded through Prop. AA. What more did The Times want in order to urge support? The architectural plans?


The district has not received large amounts of private funding, nor has it received a $300,000 contribution from DreamWorks SKG, as the editorial stated. Bottom line, if voters do not support our own community colleges how can we expect other private or public sources of funds to do so?

Prop. AA assesses $1 a month on the average voter. That dollar will help rebuild the foundation for a community college system that can provide educational opportunities for students determined and motivated to succeed in our work force and community. I urge support for Prop. AA.


Board of Trustees

L.A. Community College District

* The nine colleges of the LACCD are in desperate need of the $205 million in improvements that the passage of Prop. AA would mean. All you need to do is walk around the campuses (preferably at night, so the lighting needs are evident) to understand this. By passing Prop. AA, we can begin to revive an extraordinary system that should be a beacon of hope and opportunity, but is becoming a symbol of decay and abandonment.



Los Angeles
