
Church and State

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As a Catholic and Democrat, I am outraged by the article “Mass Movement” (Oct. 28).

Apparently VOICE [Valley Organized in Community Efforts] and our local Catholic leadership don’t understand or appreciate the U.S. concept of separation of church and state, and the financial benefit resulting therefrom, tax-exempt status.

Taxation is one of the prices we pay for the privilege of participation in the democratic process, as we understand it in the United States. If the Catholic Church wants to become political in addition to being pontifical, then it should lose its tax-exempt status. It should pay to play.

This article clearly raises the concern and the issue of voter fraud. English-language proficiency is required for citizenship status, yet we provide ballots in other languages. Why? We do not require proof of citizenship to vote. Why?


The VOICE-provided “voter guide” checking “no” on certain ballot measures conflicts with their spokesman’s statement: “We are nonpartisan and the law prohibits us from direct advocacy.”

The absentee ballot agenda described in the article smacks of ballot box stuffing.

We can’t let voter fraud, disguised as “agenda justification,” take over the democratic process as we know it in the United States.


Valley Village

* Perhaps it is time that someone at The Times reminded the Catholic Church and priest Luis Valbuena about this country being sought out in order to separate church and state. I can’t speak for all citizens, as this individual seems to feel he can, but by golly, I can speak for myself: Butt out, bub!



Shadow Hills
