
Powell Says He Would Consider Any Job Offer From Clinton

From Times Wire Services

Nearly four years after bowing out of the first Clinton Cabinet, retired Army Gen. Colin L. Powell said he would consider being a part of the president’s second term if an offer came his way.

No offers have been made, Powell told the Orlando Sentinel in a story published Saturday. But, he said: “You always have to listen to your president.”

The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, best known for helping direct the allied victory over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War, has been mentioned as a possible successor to Secretary of State Warren Christopher or Secretary of Defense William J. Perry.


Powell denied rumors during the Republican National Convention in August that presidential nominee Bob Dole had offered to make him secretary of State if elected.

The White House on Friday would not say whether Powell, a Republican, was being considered for a Cabinet position.

After winning reelection Tuesday, Clinton said he would consider a bipartisan Cabinet to work with the Republican Congress.
