
Police to Get 2% Raise Under New Contract

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The City Council is set to approve a new five-year contract with the Ventura Police Management Assn. that will raise officers’ pay by 2% and increase the amount of money they can collect upon retirement.

“We’ve gotten a contract, and we’re very pleased with it,” said Linda Kegerreis, the city’s human resources director. “It’s long-term--five years--so it will provide stability for both police management and the city.”

The existing contract between the city and the association expired June 30. The new salary increase will be retroactive, making the 2% raise effective July 1 through June 30, 2001.


If approved, the new contract will also shift the burden of squirreling away retirement pay to the officers themselves.

Starting in April, the city will no longer pay officers’ monthly 9% employee contribution toward retirement. Currently the city pays its own share of retirement pay--about 11%--plus the employee portion.

Under the new plan, officers will have 9% of their monthly salary withheld from their paychecks and funneled toward their retirement. To offset the new deduction, the city will grant officers a 7% raise, in addition to the 2% pay raise.


“There will be no net change in their pay,” Kegerreis said. “But ultimately it will increase the amount of money in their retirement.”
