
Cheers for Sanchez Victory


Thank you for your coverage of the nail-biter race between Loretta Sanchez and Rep. Robert K. Dornan. Sanchez’s defeat of Dornan for the 46th Congressional District seat is the most exciting and refreshing event to occur in Orange County in recent memory.

Democrats and Republicans alike should rejoice that we no longer have the mean-spirited, bombastic and egotistic windbag to embarrass us anymore. Loretta’s victory proves that every vote does count and that we can rid the system of hypocritical career politicians like Dornan with a mixture of hard work, courage, and common sense stances on meaningful issues, Thank you, Loretta, for sending a wake-up call to the “good ol’ boy” network in Orange County that a woman, a Latina, and yes, even a Democrat can get elected in this Republican stronghold.

The best candidate has definitely prevailed in this critical race. Exit Dornan. . . . Enter a smart, professional representative who will make all of us proud!



San Clemente


I keep waiting to see the avalanche of letters from disgusted readers over the loathsome remarks made by Dornan regarding President Clinton on election night. Then, in defeat, he continues his detestable attacks on Loretta Sanchez. We usually discipline school-age children when they make those type of hateful remarks. If an adult made those comments I would perceive them as uneducated, hateful and abominable.

I am thrilled by Sanchez’s victory over ex-Congressman (what a deserving name) Dornan. I have met Sanchez and she is an intelligent, consummate professional and a caring person. We are the real winners.

I know I must speak for thousands of good, honest and hard-working Orange County residents and retired Air Force personnel worldwide when I say how fortunate we are to finally remove an uncivilized and disrespectful person from office.




Bob Dornan’s former employers, the voters, fired him because they knew he was meant for bigger and better things, such as silence.


Laguna Beach
