
Unions’ Donations

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Re Charlton Heston’s Nov. 20 letter: Republicans now seem to be up in arms about union spending in the recent campaign. Big labor is accused of negative advertising and shameless schemes to buy dozens of elections, all without union members’ approval. This naturally brings the charge of union corruption.

Why is it that the money contributed by big business, which exceeds the funds raised by the Democratic Party, is considered by Republicans to be so much more sanitary and free of any type of corruption? Corporate PACs raise their money not only by taking it out of their stockholders’ pockets without their permission, but there are many middle management people who are pressured into contributing to the company PAC regardless of their personal political convictions.

The entire campaign funding process has become a cancerous growth in our democratic process. Rather than try to reduce the “other” party’s campaign funding, both parties should work toward a more equitable funding system for all legitimate candidates and parties.



Newport Beach
