
Mary Nixon Puts Some Spark Back in Scene

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The reports you’ve been hearing are true: Traces of life forms have been discovered recently in Hollywood’s clubland. Such venues as the Roxbury and Dragonfly are being revived, and newer spots--such as the revamped Lingerie and the Opium Den--show positive signs.

An exaggeration? Maybe a tad, but all has been pretty quiet here for some time, and the tide is just beginning to shift. A special thanks should be given on this day to promoter Mary Nixon, who is back in action at Hollywood Moguls on Thursdays with her series of free shows called Thursday Night Special. Nixon was one of the promoters who made this town jump in the early ‘90s. Her free Monday shows at Club Lingerie encouraged many to go and check out the underground music scene in Hollywood. There was no excuse to stay home, and many bands came out of that time--Weezer and Stone Temple Pilots among them.

Still proving that she has a keen ear on what is hip in the alternative market, Nixon’s shows--like the recent one that showcased such solid acts as the Holy Bulls and Beast--attract rockers, alterna-chicks and artists and repertoire execs alike.


Moguls, like Club Lingerie back in its day, is an ideal venue for such a night. It’s a spacious venue, with high ceilings, a long bar and more than enough room to sit, dance and/or mingle. The sound is good for such an open space, and the location is ideal: It’s right in the heart of Hollywood. Nixon’s show next Thursday highlights Nameless, Itch and Black Market Flowers.

* Thursday Night Special at Hollywood Moguls, 1650 N. Schrader Blvd., Hollywood. 18 and over, no cover. (213) 465-7449.


Club Buzz: If promoters only knew how sorry a holiday Thanksgiving can be for many L.A. transplants, they would be cashing in on the disenfranchised tonight. Instead, most Hollywood club owners have shut their doors and are off in search of turkey. For those who want to get out and talk some turkey with other holiday-challenged denizens, Bar Deluxe and Canter’s Kibitz Room will be open. . . . Beatles fans might be keen on checking out Four Lads from the Valley, a performance of Beatles music every Saturday night at Cafe Cordiale in Sherman Oaks.


* Bar Deluxe, (213) 469-1991. Canter’s Kibitz Room, (213) 651-2030. Cafe Cordiale, (818) 789-1985.
