
Library Report Presentation Unclear


As a library supporter, I was disappointed by the ineffective presentation of the county consultant’s report on the libraries and by the hostility and suspicion toward the library displayed by some of the city representatives, but I was encouraged by the huge turnout of elected officials and interested citizens.

If we were expecting a magic, easy solution to the deplorable situation of our libraries, it was not there. But almost lost in the unclear presentation were key elements of the report which, with goodwill and thoughtful cooperation between cities and the county, could help us build a library system in this county of which we could be proud.

The report does suggest a framework which would accomplish two key things: First, by coming together in a multipurpose joint powers agency, we could centralize such important behind-the-scenes activities as automated computer services and technology, collection development and book acquisition and processing. This would avoid costly duplication and the waste of taxpayers’ money that would occur if cities split off on their own.


Second, the organization recommended by the consultants does allow for independence in each city or service district, letting them greatly augment their cities’ basic services, if they wish, with their own city finances.

I urge the city and county elected officials entrusted by us to provide access to decent libraries to come together now and work seriously and thoughtfully on implementing the good parts of this report. Our libraries are too important to the children, families, seniors and business people of our county to allow divisive, head-in-the-sand rhetoric to stand in the way of needed movement toward a solution.

