
Take a Peak at Ovitz’s Hot Deal

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Walt Disney Co. has been taking the heat for the rich golden parachute granted to its former president, Michael Ovitz. Executive pay experts value the terms of Ovitz’s deal at about $90 million. So what exactly is in the most talked-about contract in Hollywood? Check it out yourself by calling up Disney’s 10-K in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Edgar archives at The contract is nearly half-way down the file.

* For a technical analysis of Santa Claus’ worldwide chimney tour on Christmas Eve, visit ChristmasHumor/HTML/SantaAnalysis.html

* If you’d like to talk like a computer hacker--or just be able to understand what they’re saying--check out The New Hacker’s Dictionary at In addition to a listing of terms in alphabetical order, there’s a history of Techspeak, a guide to the hacker writing style and much more.


* Looking for advice on what kind of software to get your kids for Christmas? Check out Thunderbeam ( for product reviews and tips on what features to look for. There are also articles about software programs to help kids with dyslexia and advice on how parents can read interactive storybooks with their children.

* For the online geek on your gift list, turn to NetRags Interactive Clothing Co.’s site at You can custom design a T-shirt that features the “emoticons”--such as :-) and :-O--that are used to denote mood in electronic mail and online chats. Pay online and receive the shirt in the mail about three weeks later.

* “The People vs. Larry Flynt” recounts the Hustler magazine publisher’s fight for freedom of speech. The Web site set up for the movie ( encourages visitors to examine their feelings about free speech by considering actual cases brought to the Supreme Court. The site also has links to organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union and the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University.


* If you’re aiming to make the Forbes 400 Richest People in America list, check out the competition at

* The Los Angeles Unified School District is online at Visitors will find resources for students, parents and teachers, including important announcements and links to school district offices and colleges. There are also student newsgroups, where topics include math, history and physical education.

* For insight on relationships and interpretations of your dreams, turn to the Mind Body & Soul Network at Visitors will find recipes, horoscopes and exercises for both the body and brain. There are also chat groups set up for a variety of topics. Additional services such as palm reading are available for a fee.


* Cigar aficionados looking for restaurants, lounges and resorts where they can smoke in peace can turn to In addition to state-by-state listings of such establishments, visitors will find product reviews and a Q&A; section called “Ask Mr. Smoke.”

* If you can’t do metric conversions in your head, get help at
