
Love in Florida:

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An inmate author does his best to save children from a life of crime.

An actress struggles to regain her life and livelihood after losing both legs in a crash.

The wife of a socially prominent attorney leaves her husband and children to marry a convicted murderer.

A wife-attorney defends her White House advisor-husband after he is photographed in the arms of another woman.

You met these remarkable people on the pages of Life & Style in 1996. Our writers and photographers took you into their worlds for a moment, to ponder their dilemmas and learn about what makes them tick.


And then, because the news is the news, they vanished from our view.

But their stories did not end once you had read about them. Here, we catch up with several of 1996’s most memorable people.


Rosalie Martinez, the socially prominent Tampa woman who caused a sensation when she left her attorney-husband and four young daughters after falling in love with a serial killer on death row, is now known as Rosalie Bolin.

“We were married Oct. 5, over the phone,” said Bolin, 37, of her nuptials to Oscar Ray Bolin Jr.


It wasn’t exactly a traditional ceremony. “I was in my apartment in Gainesville, and he was in the county jail,” she reported.

The groom, 35, who was convicted of the brutal rapes and murders 10 years ago of three women, is now back on Florida’s death row after being found guilty again in the first of three retrials. Two more retrials are expected to be held next year.

The newlyweds meet every Saturday in the cafeteria of the state prison in Starke, Fla., where, Rosalie Bolin said, they can kiss, hug and hold hands, but cannot consummate their union. “I have a strong desire to be passionate with him,” she said, “but we have to be strong.”


Although her husband’s future looks grim, she said she accepted his invitation to marry because she believes in his innocence. “I never wanted him to think that I would abandon him,” she said. “He’s given me a purpose. I’m on a crusade.”
