
Shopping in Reseda


* Re “Country Club Back in the Ring,” Jan. 22.

This article and the comment “a rundown stretch of Sherman Way” would be upsetting for us if it were untrue, but many residents who live in or close to the Reseda shopping area have become accustomed to shopping elsewhere. This is due to the rundown and unsafe look of most of the Reseda central business district, despite efforts over the last few years to reverse this downward trend by a few people who live here, backed by Councilwoman Laura Chick, the Reseda Chamber of Commerce, Reseda Merchants Assn., Neighborhood Watch and a few local businesses.

Residents, some of whom work and all of whom are active in the area, have decided to let businesses know that unless they help us in an effort to improve, clean and make us feel comfortable shopping in downtown Reseda, we will not patronize or support them.



