
Commercials Detract From Family Viewing


I was glad to see the article from Debra Hotaling (“Where New TV Ratings Fail: Inappropriate Ads, Promos,” Counterpunch, Jan. 20). I too have had my share of frustrations. While watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos” on a Sunday night at 7:30 (what used to be considered family hour), we have been shown commercials for a clothing store with a woman seductively unzipping her tight sweater while coyly smiling at the camera, “Superman’s” Lois Lane appearing in a teddy at the bedroom doorway in honor of her wedding night and an overly excited news anchor shouting, “Father goes on rampage, shoots mother and two sons. Story at 11.”

Meanwhile, the media make it clear to the parents that we shouldn’t look to them for guidelines, that we the parents are responsible for monitoring what our kids watch. Believe me, we try, but we cannot control the inappropriate commercials that run during family shows.

All of us are losers in this game. The parents shy away from network TV more and more and the networks wonder why their overall viewership is dropping. My bet is in 20 years the networks will no longer be the major stations because many kids today are not going to be in the habit of turning to the networks for entertainment. My kids really do watch PBS and cable stations like Discovery Channel. Sunday’s have been our only exception, and then only for an hour.



Alta Loma
