
Tom Hayden


* George Will, in his attack on Tom Hayden (Column Right, Feb. 9), asserts: “While the rest of the world adapts to the globalization of economic forces, Hayden . . . aspires to neighborhoodization.” Exactly right--and one excellent reason for electing Hayden mayor.

The downtown developers and out-of-state bond merchants who seem to have hypnotized city government are hellbent on making Los Angeles the “hub of Pacific Rim commerce.” They want to expand LAX, build the Alameda Corridor to move freight, use city resources to build sports arenas for rich private entrepreneurs. They want to privatize the DWP (at huge cost to L.A.’s citizens). They oppose living-wage legislation and want to weaken pollution controls to attract low-wage industry. Annoyed by a City Council that sometimes (not often enough) has the courage to stand in their way, Mayor Richard Riordan and his cohorts are raising several million dollars to elect a charter “reform” commission.

I have lived in Los Angeles for 38 years and the globalization to which Will approvingly alludes scares the hell out of me.




* Will should do his homework before writing his column. I’m not talking about any of that political garbage. I’m talking about the statement that Hayden plays on baseball teams for “geezers as grizzled as he.”

Hayden plays in the L.A.-Westside Men’s Senior Baseball League, a hardball league for players over 30. At 57, Hayden is the oldest player in the league, where the average player is between 30 and 40. So, Mr. Will, a) Hayden should be commended for ably competing with ballplayers more than 20 years his junior, b) learn the facts before you try to state them, and c) don’t call me a geezer.

KEN JAFFE, Commissioner

L.A.-Westside Men’s Senior

Baseball League

* Hayden now says he has “been working for community policing in one way or another since the 1970s.” Is this the same program he helped to start in Chicago in 1968?



Beverly Hills
