
Tips on Staying in Business and Still Staying Together


Tips on staying afloat and staying together while in business with a spouse, from Jane Hilburt-Davis, a family-business consultant, and Azriela Jaffe, author of “Honey, I Want To Start My Own Business”:

* Be clear about your expectations and assumptions. Discuss how much time you want to spend together, how much money you want to invest in the business, who will do the housework. Plan ahead frequently as you go as well.

* Establish ways of resolving conflict. It can be as simple as flipping a coin if you can’t agree. Also try to pay more attention to finding a solution rather than winning the argument.


* Find ways to spend time away from the business, both alone and together. Couples in business need ways to escape from the intensity and intimacy of working and living together.

* Ask for help. Develop support systems that you can rely on and reach out when you need to.

* Keep your sense of humor. Thriving entrepreneurial couples know that if they’re going to laugh about it later, they may as well laugh about it now.
