
Special Prosecutor for Fund-Raising


Re “Put a Special Prosecutor on Campaign Fund-Raising,” editorial, Feb. 26:

We don’t need another special persecutor (sic). Long before The Times ever asks for another special prosecutor you should first be asking that Congress fix the rot in the rules governing the selection of this person. And the stench that should be bothering you now is the one emanating from the unconscionable acts of the current special persecutor, Republican agent Kenneth Starr.


Rancho Cucamonga

* Hopefully, Starr will heed your call (editorial, Feb. 25), and not only finish the case quickly, but render a judgment not made on the basis of the “elephant” brain Conrad’s Feb. 25 cartoon pictures.

Yes, Whitewater demands an answer. But that’s yesterday’s history. We have the current problem of the money and power that control both political parties and enrich those with money and power.



Pacific Palisades

* I am so tired of the constant carping on non sequitur gossipy events in the lives of Gingrich and Clinton. Once we elect a man to high office I care not a whit about his past, I care only that he get on with the job of running the biggest business in the world, our country.

A politician is by the very nature of the beast an infighter protecting his soft underbelly as he gouges his way to the top. Kissing babies, shaking a thousand faceless hands, making a hundred back-room deals in the never-ending quest for votes and money. For money, much, much money has become the “mother’s milk” of being elected.

The saints are all in the heavens. Here on Earth a mere mortal cut a few corners to get to the top. Applaud him, listen to him, sing his praises while holding his feet to the fire, but burn him not for he is all of us.


