
Tobacco Industry Would OK Concessions

(Washington Post)

The tobacco industry would accept a ban on all cigarette vending machines, halt all outdoor advertising and pay $1 billion a year for anti-smoking campaigns as part of broad package of concessions offered in the hopes of settling virtually all legal claims against it, sources said. Details of the industry stance emerged as talks between the tobacco industry and its adversaries were about to resume over a critical hurdle--how much immunity the industry would get from lawsuits, sources said. Any settlement that restricted Americans’ right to sue would have to be approved by Congress. A core group of negotiators is scheduled to meet today in Washington to examine options for a middle ground on the immunity issue. The industry has been seeking “blanket immunity” from virtually all lawsuits, while its adversaries, particularly 24 state attorneys general, say it would be unfair to close off the courts to individuals who believe they were harmed by smoking, according to sources familiar with the negotiations. Some negotiators on the other side of the table agree.
