
Their Latest Ventures Back to a Wild Pop Era


“Wild Again!--the New Adventures of the Ventures” is a misleading title for the first new album issued in 15 years by the best-selling instrumental band in rock ‘n’ roll history.

The CD has its charms, but if this quartet has prospered for 37 years, it’s not because of its rambunctious ways. Consistent, dependable and hard-working best describe the band founded by two Seattle bricklayers in 1960.

Known for the reverb and “wah-wah” effects roaring from their Fender guitars, plus their TV- and movie-theme hits, the Ventures (“Walk, Don’t Run,” “Hawaii Five-O”) have influenced everyone from Jerry Garcia and Jorma Kaukonen to jazz guitarists Larry Carlton and Al DiMeola to modern alterna-instrumentalists, including the Friends of Dean Martinez, Los Straightjackets and the Mermen.


What gives these legends such a timeless, broad-based appeal is a selfless desire to serve the song, to focus on melody, mood and structure. The 19-song “Wild Again!” offers more of what they do best, but guitarist-bassist Gerry McGee, bassist-guitarist Bob Bogle (these two love trading instruments), rhythm guitarist Don Wilson and drummer Mel Taylor still mix it up on occasion.

This collection pays tribute to ‘50s- and ‘60s-era pop standards. Yet the Ventures do more than just cover songs by the likes of the Astronauts, Sandy Nelson, Dave “Baby” Cortez and Willy and the Giants, among others. For the most part, they lovingly tweak ‘em just enough to make ‘em their own.

The band transforms Martin Denny’s languid, soft-rock tune “Quiet Village” into a kind of percolating, jazz-blues thing that offers a dash of pizazz without sacrificing the original’s soothing vibe. After a breezy first half, it moves briskly to the finish line with some Grateful Dead-like country-rock jamming.

Other standout tracks include the guitar-driven, full rock ‘n’ roll treatment given to Sidney Bechet’s pop-jazz standard “Petite Fleur”; a wonderfully twangy and spooky arrangement of Willy and the Giants’ European hit, “Ajoen, Ajoen”; and a rollicking, dance-inducing version of Cortez’s “Happy Organ,” on which the supporting players (longtime keyboardist David Carn and saxophonist Mike Rose) strut their stuff.


Less appealing are two “surf on guitar medleys” that close the CD (not counting an unremarkable nine-minute interview with founding members Wilson and Bogle.) Instead of these meager snippets, new material would have been satisfying. Surely these veterans have a few good originals left in them.

Sadly, “Wild Again!” will be the last release featuring Taylor, who died of lung cancer last summer. His son, Leon, is the band’s new permanent drummer.


(Available from GNP/Crescendo Records, 8400 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90069. (800) 654-7029. E-mail:

* The Ventures, Rebel Train and Green Room perform Saturday night at the Galaxy Concert Theatre, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. 8 p.m. $16.50-$18.50. (714) 957-0600.

Ratings range from * (poor) to **** (excellent), with three stars denoting a solid recommendation.
