
UCI Seeks IT Teachers

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The demand for continuing education classes in information technology is so great, says UC Irvine Extension’s IT program director, that the program can’t add courses fast enough.

It will offer 16 new courses in September and is looking for people to teach them.

The extension program not only offers regular academic classes but also sets up in-house programs for companies. The extension program is looking for “dozens” of software and systems engineers who want to teach part time, says Jane Welgan, associate director of academic affairs for the continuing education program.

The IT program is one of the fastest-growing in the 30,000-student UCI Extension system. The September additions will bring the total to more than 60 per quarter. “We can’t build computer labs fast enough” to keep up with demand, says Mario Vidalon, director of the extension’s information, engineering and science technologies program.


Professionals interested in the instruction posts should send resumes to Welgan or Vidalon at UCI Extension, P.O. Box 6050, Irvine, CA 92616-6050.

John O’Dell can be reached at (714) 966-5831 and at
