
Bond Panel Opposes Funds for School

From a Times Staff Writer

The committee set up to oversee spending of the $2.4-billion Los Angeles Unified School District repair bond voted 9 to 0 Thursday to oppose the use of Proposition BB money for an $87-million downtown high school project.

The recommendation, which committee members said they would reconsider if the state agrees to help pay for the Belmont Learning Center, was a third attempt to satisfy a Superior Court judge who blocked work on the project so the panel could review it.

Judge Diane Wayne rejected two earlier votes because the committee failed to state a clear position on whether Proposition BB money should be used. In the most recent rebuffed attempt, the committee Monday had urged the Board of Education to pay for the project with financing called certificates of participation.


During an emergency noontime session dubbed by Chairman Steven Soboroff the “let us be perfectly clear” meeting, the committee substituted wording to say Proposition BB money should not be used at this time. The panel was created by voters when they approved Proposition BB in April; it has only advisory power.

School district officials said they will appear in Wayne’s court today to again request that she lift her injunction, ending a holdup that may cost the district $12,000 a day in developer charges.

“Please, judge,” Soboroff pleaded in mock contrition, after instructing members to be available over the weekend if she declines. “Sunday is Father’s Day.”
