
Two Irvine Valley College Teachers Honored


Irvine Valley College students recently named two instructors as Teachers of the Year.

Richard Zucker was named Teacher of the Year and Maala Allen was named Part-Time Teacher of the Year.

Zucker, who has taught math at the college for 18 years, was selected for the “fun, personal approach” he uses to teach. Zucker, also an amateur magician, is known for using card tricks during his lessons.

Zucker received a master’s degree in mathematics from Brandeis University. He serves as an advisor to the Alpha Gamma Sigma and Phi Theta Kappa honor societies at the college.


Allen, who works part time, teaches environmental studies and biology. She also hires and supervises tutors for the college’s learning assistance center.

Allen, a native of Zambia, received a master’s degree in environmental studies from Yale University. Before coming to Irvine Valley College in 1994, she was a research associate at the Oceanic Institute in Hawaii. Both instructors reside in Irvine.
