
Teen Pleads Not Guilty in Crash Fatal to Student


A Costa Mesa teenager who crashed a Chevrolet Blazer, killing one Newport Harbor High School student and critically injuring two others, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to felony vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence.

Jason Rausch, 18, faces a maximum prison sentence of six years. But since he doesn’t have a criminal record and the accident was not alcohol-related, Rausch probably would not receive the maximum if convicted, said Jennifer Keller, his attorney.

Rausch was the designated driver of the sport-utility vehicle May 23, when the car flipped on a winding stretch of Irvine Avenue next to Upper Newport Bay, police said. The car was packed with 10 students, eight of whom were ejected during the accident.


Donald “Donnie” Bridgman, an 18-year-old who had plans to attend the University of Colorado, died at the scene. Amanda Arthur, 17, suffered brain damage and remains in a rehabilitation center, according to friends and relatives. Daniel Townsend, 18, also suffered critical injuries but has been released from the hospital.

Rausch’s attorney said he is “extremely sad and extremely depressed” since the accident.

Police found several beers in the vehicle, one of which had been opened, but friends said Rausch had not been drinking, and he was not charged with drunk driving. Police, however, said Rausch was speeding when the crash occurred in the 35-mph zone.

As a condition of his release pending trial, Rausch was ordered to drive only vehicles registered to him or his family, said Deputy Atty. Gen. James D. Dutton, who is prosecuting the case. The Blazer belonged to the Bridgman family.

A preliminary hearing for Rausch is set for Oct. 27 in Municipal Court in Newport Beach.
