
Immigrant Welfare


Re “Immigrant Welfare Use Varies Widely,” July 30: A clarification of the “many factors” cited in the UCLA study you reported on is in order.

A little information can be misleading and give a wrong impression, such as in the finding that 46% of poor Filipino immigrants receive Supplemental Security Income.

It is important to consider that based on the latest census figures profiling the Asian Pacific groups in Los Angeles County, the poverty rate among Filipinos is 6%--less than half of the 14% poverty rate for all Americans--and the lowest among eight Asian Pacific census categories. Furthermore, the Filipino community’s unemployment rate (5%) and median household income ($46,497) rank a close second among the eight Asian Pacific groups, and rate better than the U.S. averages.


The fact is that the Filipino community as a whole has a very low propensity to seek and avail itself of public assistance. What the study indicates is that a good number of the relative few who are truly needy do so, just as these public safety nets were meant to be utilized.


Information Officer

Philippine Consulate, L.A.
