


Re “Microsoft Must Obey the Law,” Commentary, Nov. 24:

Bob Dole and the Department of Justice are wrong in attacking Microsoft on the issue of including a browser in Windows. If they want to blast away on antitrust issues, it’s their right--but they must remember the following:

The browser is just one of many peripherals in Windows. Should Microsoft cut out its screen saver, calculator, word processor? The fact that a majority use Netscape (including myself) speaks for the openness of Windows. (Ever try to force a Nissan fuel injection system in your Buick?)

Where are the funds of the Internet flowing into Microsoft? It seems that only governments are whetting their tax appetites toward the Net. Does Microsoft control all the encryption services? Does Microsoft have the only Internet service provider in town? Does Microsoft have the only hand-held computer? I’m amazed that Dole is going along with the bureaucrats’ bashing of Microsoft.



Palm Springs
