
Man Gets 184 Years in Takeover Robberies


A man convicted of committing nine takeover robberies at L.A. retail stores and threatening store employees and other witnesses was sentenced Tuesday to 184 years in state prison.

Julio Dante Lopez, 22, was sentenced by Van Nuys Superior Court Judge Michael R. Hoff after an eight-woman, four-man jury found him guilty on Aug. 27 of 57 counts of robbery, false imprisonment and threatening witnesses.

He was also charged with 25 other counts on which jurors deadlocked or voted not guilty.

Two of Lopez’s accomplices are currently serving time in prison after being convicted on similar charges.


Lopez committed most of the robberies last year at Blockbuster Video and Petco stores in West Los Angeles and the Valley.

The violent holdups occurred at closing time during which Lopez and his accomplices herded employees and customers into a back room, where they were tied up, authorities said.

During the robberies, Lopez took identification from the hostages and threatened to kill them and their families if they cooperated with the police, authorities said.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Carol Fisch said during the 12-day trial that several of the hostages who testified were afraid of returning home because of the threats.

Authorities said parole is “a possibility, but highly unlikely.”
