
Math Training for Teachers


In his Nov. 27 letter, Jerry Rosen criticizes the mathematical training of students in the teacher preparation program at Cal State Northridge. In particular, he says that the program for secondary teachers is watered down.

This is not the case. The mathematics department provides a solid mathematical background for our students who intend to pursue teaching careers. Students in each of the five options in the mathematics major--pure, applied, computer, statistics and secondary teaching--are required to take the same freshman and sophomore courses (calculus, physics, linear algebra, computer science and logic). The junior and senior courses vary somewhat to meet the requirements of those specialties.

Our graduates are well trained and much in demand. In fact, they are so much in demand that school districts hire some of our students with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics even before they have finished their credential program. As chair of the mathematics department, I have never received a single complaint about “watered down” courses from either our students or their employers.


The real problem is that 46% of the teachers teaching mathematics in California high schools do not have a major or a minor in mathematics.

WILLIAM WATKINS, Chair Mathematics Department

Cal State Northridge
