
Smiling ‘Flubber’ Lovers


John Anderson’s review of Robin Williams’ new movie, “Flubber,” (“Good-Natured ‘Flubber’ Hits Some Flat Spots,” Nov. 26) certainly falls flat. The adults and kids in the filled-to-capacity theater my daughter and I were in loved it, laughed and went home smiling. Though Anderson bemoaned the lack of the historical Williams stand-up frenzy, Williams indeed acted and brought his energetic talents to a tightly directed and well-performed comedy in a way Fred MacMurray, God bless him, did not do [in “The Absent Minded Professor”]. The original [1961] movie was paced at the speed of the sputtering antique Ford. The remake moves at a bouncy pace and keeps the audience attentive. It was more than audience-friendly; we loved it.


Mission Viejo
