
Travel Warning Extends to Mugs


Christopher Bury of Pasadena bought a commuter mug, encouraged by an ad that said the container “removes the anxiety of commuting with hot beverages.”

So what did Bury find in the “Instructions for Use” that accompanied the item? This warning: “Do not drink from the mug in a moving vehicle.”

Bury’s theory? Perhaps the rush-hour speed of commuters on L.A. freeways doesn’t really fit the definition of “moving” these days.



ATTENTION--LITTLE PROFESSORS: Richard Eyster, who snapped today’s picture at a La Canada elementary school, observed that the state-mandated reduction of grade school classes evidently also extends to the size of teachers (see photo).


CUTTHROAT COMPETITION? Mary Kazmer saw some objects advertised in an Ojai newspaper that seemed better suited for Halloween than the Christmas season (see accompanying).


UNSCHEDULED GUEST STAR: Hank Rosenfeld wonders how many spectators who saw the Bulgarian Voices Angelite choir perform recently at the Veterans Wadsworth Theater in West L.A. made an “L.A. exit”--that is, raced for their cars as the show was ending or even before.

Those attendees who were more worried about avoiding the traffic missed something.

Rosenfeld was one of several who hung around. He noticed that Stevie Wonder was also near the stage, posing for group photos with the members of the East European choir.

“Next time we must sing together,” Mr. Wonder said with his trademark smile.

“How ‘bout now?” someone asked .

Next thing anyone knew, Rosenfeld said, “the Wadsworth stagehands pull the grand piano back out, and Stevie Wonder sits and riffs a bit and then sings, ‘You Are the Sunshine of My Life’ to the choir--and to those of us lucky enough not to have run out. A true L.A. moment.”


THERE’S SOMEONE WHO WANTS YOUR PENNIES: A reader sent along a statement of service fees from big-hearted Home Savings of America, which included this charge:


“Rolled Coin Deposited . . . 10 cents per roll.”


THE WORKERS’ TOP HATS WOULD FIT: Peter Alexander of L.A. saw an ad for a chimney business that advertises, “Cleaning/inspections . . . spark arresters . . . masonry work . . . smoke tests . . . smoke & odor problems . . . chimney fans . . . gas logs. . . “

The last line of the company’s blurb said: “We do weddings.”

Asked Alexander: “When you can’t afford a band?”


SPEAKING OF CLEARING THE AIR: Stephen Sottong, J.J. Maher, and Ed Carter were among more than a dozen sharp-eyed readers who noticed a reference in The Times to an auction of cars and “boas.”

No use trying to slither out of that mistake.


Due out soon is the movie “Titanic,” about a big ship that encounters some icebergs. Please, readers, don’t tell me how it comes out.


Steve Harvey can be reached by phone at (213) 237-7083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by e-mail at and by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053.
