
On-Campus Arena Is USC Wish, but Not for a While


It is true that USC has been thinking about an on-campus arena for more than 50 years. It is also true that we have been giving the matter much more serious thought in recent months. But it is simply not true that we are committed to building an on-campus arena at this time [“USC Promises Campus Arena,” Dec. 5].

Would I like to have an on-campus arena? Absolutely! But there are other high-priority construction projects at USC for which full funding is not yet in hand. We need to finish the renovation of Science Hall, build a new engineering research facility, build an advanced medical research center, and build a facility for the combined Schools of Public Administration and Urban Planning. Moreover, because our University Park campus encompasses only 160 acres, we must carefully weigh many competing demands for space, including green space.

In recent months, some interesting ideas have been advanced about a multiuse on-campus arena that would greatly enhance the quality of life for our students. But there are also several possibilities that must be explored with our partners in Exposition Park and the Figueroa Corridor. And of course there are major questions concerning cost and funding of such a facility. Thus, we are still many months away from making any commitments with respect to the construction of an on-campus arena.



President, USC
