
Special Treatment for School District


The article “Moorpark Schools Enter Real Estate Realm” (Dec. 1) was a real eye-opener.

In order to raise money now, we will have school districts selling their property at “rezoned” values. Wow! Wouldn’t that be nice for the ordinary person? Rezone your unusable piece of property for development and--voila!--instant cash.

Once again, however, “Joe Ordinary” wouldn’t get such treatment at the hands of the government. But another government entity? Why, of course! What else would it like?

And seeing as how the developers will now have to pay more for the once reasonably priced property plus pay road fees and school taxes (to the same school district that is getting an inflated rate for the land), why, the houses should really be “affordable” to all, right?


Think again.

Additionally, Supt. Tom Duffy’s comment, “We have to be entrepreneurial and go out and get money,” raises another issue, namely, shouldn’t public entities stay out of private business--stop competing for the same dollars that are taxed to support them? Why should they be allowed to compete?

Get with it, Americans! The government--including the school districts--should have to live with the same rules and regulations that the rest of us do. It should stay out of private industry--privatize but not compete.


Avila Beach
