
Neighbors Protest Baseball Plan


Residents near Oxnard College filed a protest letter with city officials Monday, seeking a more detailed study of a proposal to bring a minor-league baseball team to the campus ballpark.

The letter targets an environmental study recently released by city officials. The study concluded that allowing the Pacific Suns to play at Oxnard College would not cause any significant environmental problems.

Some residents say the study was not thorough. In the letter, they say effects such as the glare from ballpark lights and traffic jams have been underestimated.


“It might be better if the Suns found someplace else to play,” said activist Martin Jones, one of about 20 people who signed the letter. Jones and other opponents of the plan want the city to authorize an environmental impact report for the project, which would be more comprehensive than the current report.

City Planner Deanna Walsh defended the study. “I think it was thoroughly prepared,” she said. “The traffic study was excellent.”

She said opponents of the plan will get a chance to air their views when the project goes to the City Council on Jan. 6. City Council members and Ventura County Community College District trustees have already voted to support the plan but still need to approve the environmental report.

Suns General Manager Michael Begley said he was not surprised by the letter from residents.

“They’ve been complaining all along,” he said. “I think the report was thorough and covered the issues they’re addressing more than adequately.”
