
A ‘Garden’ Party by the Book


It was Santa Ana (not Savannah) and the home was a restored 1930s cottage (not a Victorian mansion), but Marc LaFont’s Christmas in the Garden of Good and Evil party did have shades of Jim Williams’ fabled black-tie bashes.

LaFont, a neighborhood preservationist whose home is in the city’s historic Wilshire Square District, recently gathered 100 friends and city politicos to reenact the glamorous get-togethers that made Williams a household name--and the subject of John Berendt’s best-selling book, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.”

Clint Eastwood directed the movie, starring Kevin Spacey and John Cusack, based on the book.


At the LaFont party, guests dressed up as familiar characters: the Lady Chablis, Luther Driggers and members of the Married Woman’s Card Club. Shrimp, crab and other “low-country” food were served, and Johnny Mercer music flooded the house, which was scented with magnolia blossoms.

LaFont decided on his party’s theme after he “fell in love” with the book. “I traveled to Savannah in September and took the tour [that highlights scenes from the book], then read it a second time.

“It seemed a perfect setting for a party since enough people have read it or seen the movie, and one of its focuses is a Christmas party,” says the host, who, like Williams, admits to maintaining an In and Out guest list.

“Those who didn’t RSVP this year are out next year,” LaFont says. “Like Savannah, we take our parties very seriously.”
