
TRW Wins Contract for Missile Program


TRW won a one-year, $84.9-million Air Force contract to become the prime integration contractor for the U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile program. TRW will direct a team of subcontractors to provide systems engineering and subsystems technical experience, a role previously fulfilled by military officers at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. If the contract is renewed through 2012, its total value could hit $3.4 billion, the Cleveland-based company said. TRW’s Strategic and Space Systems unit in San Bernardino, which has worked on the ICBM program for decades, will be the main beneficiary, although some of the 300 jobs there will be eliminated in order to deliver a 30% savings for the Air Force. TRW facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base and in Ogden, Utah, will also work on the contract, which takes effect in January. Other companies participating in the program include Thiokol, United Technologies, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BDM International and MRJ Technology Solutions. Cleveland-based TRW shares rose 6 cents to close at $53.44 on the NYSE.
