
Investment Conference Lines Up Wall St. Pros


Vanguard Group Chairman John C. Bogle, Charles Schwab Corp. Chairman Charles Schwab and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt will be among the featured speakers at The Times’ second annual Investment Strategies Conference, to be held the weekend of Feb. 7-8 at the Los Angeles Convention Center downtown.

The conference, the largest of its kind held in Southern California, will give individual investors a chance to hear from--and ask questions of--some of the biggest names in the investment business nationwide.

A total of 36 panels over the two days will address such investment and personal finance strategies and topics as blue-chip stock-picking, advanced stock selection, planning for early retirement, how to pick mutual funds, financing a child’s education, investing on the Internet and passive versus active stock investing.


In addition, Bogle and Schwab will deliver keynote speeches at the Saturday session. Levitt and Mary Schapiro, president of NASD Regulation, the regulatory arm of the National Assn. of Securities Dealers, will be the keynote speakers at the Sunday session.

Among the panels to be held at this year’s conference, which has been organized with assistance from mutual fund research firm Morningstar Inc.:

* Investing in Technology Stocks (10:45 a.m. to noon, Feb. 7). Attendees will have a chance to hear from investment pros who have substantial experience in this high-risk, high-return market sector.

Panelists will be Ronald E. Elijah, manager of the Robertson Stephens Value-Growth stock mutual fund; David V. Jones of the California Technology Stock Letter; Kevin Landis, co-manager of the Technology Value Fund; and Bruce Lupatkin, research chief at San Francisco brokerage Hambrecht & Quist.

* Blue-Chip Stock Investing (2:45 p.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 7). This panel will focus on some of the best opportunities in blue-chip stocks in 1998.

Panelists will be James D. Oelschlager, manager of the White Oak Growth Stock mutual fund; Chris N. Orndorff of Payden & Rygel; L. Roy Papp, manager of the Papp America-Abroad stock fund; and Michael C. Sandler, co-manager of the Clipper Fund.


* “Guru” Panel on Markets and the Economy (10:45 a.m. to noon, Feb. 8): Four of Wall Street’s most respected investment pros will give their views on the stock market, interest rates and the U.S. and global economies in 1998.

Panelists will be Peter Canelo, market strategist at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter; William Gross, principal at Pacific Investment Management, one of the nation’s biggest bond investors; William Nasgovitz, principal at Heartland Advisors; and Robert L. Rodriguez, principal at First Pacific Advisors.

The cost to attend the conference is $55 for both days or $45 for one day. Investors can register in advance for the panels they wish to attend, although registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and seating is limited.

For more information or to register, call (800) 350-3211 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., or see The Times’ World Wide Web site at
