
Bill Clinton’s Fund-Raising


The Dec. 22 article depicting a typical week in President Clinton’s 10-month, $119-million campaign money marathon leading to his 1996 reelection reveals a glaring crack in democracy, not necessarily unique to this president or the Democratic Party.

Past Republican wagon masters have led their party prospectors along that vigorous donation trail for decades, but subtly, without making so much noise while separating contributors from their funds with those traditional, influence strings attached.

Inflationary campaign demands on incumbents are causing democracy to crumble. Waning representation, not an ebb in vitriolic voters, is drowning out the people’s voice.


Campaign finance reform is an unattainable myth, absent substance and adhesion. Rebuilding democracy may very well depend on an electronic republic of incorruptible voting networks connecting the electorate to the control of government from their homes.


Apple Valley

* President Clinton attended 237 fund-raisers and raised $119.2 million for the DNC. How about the DNC paying his $200,000 salary each year instead of us taxpayers who didn’t vote for him.


North Hollywood

* Re “What Clinton Knew,” Dec. 21: Your reporters produced a well-documented and telling account of what can only be seen as a massive effort to gain money and evade disclosure. How come the vaunted “professionals” in the Justice Department have been unable to do so?

The answer is probably tied to the subtle, though damning, assertion, “An examination of the events shows that Clinton was closer to the indications of trouble than previously known.” Close enough to be in charge of said events?

Isn’t it time to call a liar a liar? I think that time will show that Clinton’s transgressions and damage to the integrity of our government will make Richard Nixon’s look like a drop compared to an ocean.



* As a businessman who is currently doing business with at least five Asian countries I find it both wise and ethical for Bill Clinton to accept whatever contributions these people wish to contribute. This is the American way and it should be the global way. The Asians I have spoken with about Clinton see him as the first American president in memory to have a defining vision of economic fairness for all involved. They want the prosperity to continue, as I do.


By the way, I found it interesting that this article was next to the one headlined, “U.S. Budget Posts a Rare 12 Months of Black Ink.”


West Hills

* I have had enough of your continuous, nonstop attacks on the so-called campaign violations of President Clinton and the Democrats. How about an equally intensive coverage of the millions in campaign funds, legal or illegal, donated by the tobacco and gun interests and other right-wing organizations? Where’s your sense of fairness?


Woodland Hills

* Thank you for the wonderful investigative report on Clinton’s campaign adventures. I cannot believe that the public is not concerned over Clinton’s many rendezvous with possible Chinese operatives. Does a healthy economy forgive all?

It is Janet Reno who should be uncovering these facts and presenting them to the country.


Santa Monica
