
Coexistence With Cougars


Re: “Parent Reports Mountain Lion Near Preschool” (Dec. 18):

The article states: “Mountain lions are encroaching on suburban areas with increasing frequency as both the human and wild cat populations expand.”

To my knowledge, this reference to an expanding wild cat population has not been scientifically verified. To the contrary, at the Department of Fish and Game’s fifth mountain lion workshop, the department found that the cougar population (statewide) can be considered stable.

Until there are regional cougar population studies, there should be no statements made that the cougar populations are expanding. Also, multiple reported sightings could be of the same animal, not evidence of more animals.


What is verifiable is that the human population is “encroaching” and overtaking wildlife habitat. We are developing right up to the mountains. We are placing development in wildlife corridors; development often blocks wildlife access to water habitat resources. Many keep and feed pets outside and may, unwittingly, bring all types of hungry wildlife to our doorsteps.

The article states that the gentleman who says he saw a cougar is “involved in the rehabilitation of wildlife.” Consequently, he is probably aware that cougars have been illegally held as pets. A couple years ago, the Department of Fish and Game confiscated a pet cougar in the Ventura/Santa Barbara area. That cougar is now in an educational program, as the cougar’s canine teeth and claws had been removed. How can one tell by a sighting or tracks whether the animal was a released or escaped former pet accustomed to human contact?

All wildlife serves a critical role in the health of our forests and ecosystems. The article served a valuable purpose in alerting those who live in or near wildlife habitat to the fact that wildlife (including bears, cougars, coyotes, poisonous snakes, spiders) live there and to learn about wildlife, their habits and how to coexist.


Thousand Oaks
