
Toledo Seeking Tradition


Before UCLA practiced Saturday in the Texas Stadium chill, Coach Bob Toledo was talking about some of the things he took away from Texas A&M;, where he spent five years as the offensive coordinator.

And some of the things he would like to instill in the UCLA program.

“There’s the 12th Bruin towel,” Toledo said of a promotion UCLA used last season, his first as its coach. Texas A&M; has a tradition that its fans are the “12th man.”

“And there’s the bonfire. Our’s wasn’t as big as Texas A&M;’s, but we had one [before the SC game].”


The Aggies burn everything in sight before they play Texas every season.

“There’s just tradition,” Toledo said. “I wish our fans wouldn’t leave before the end of the game, wish they would stand, wish they would kiss their girlfriends when we score. They would have liked that one this year, because we scored a lot of points.”


Toledo said the UCLA defensive coordinator’s job had been offered and “I expect an answer within 24 hours.”

The job will be vacant at the conclusion of the Cotton Bowl when Rocky Long becomes coach at New Mexico.
